The Essence of Purity (Amsterdam)
The Essence of Purity (Amsterdam)
(Re)Connect & regulate your nervous system
55,80 €
It is all about the movement of awareness from outside, back inward. Realizing you are your own healer. You are capable of holding whatever is present within you. (Re)connect with your body, your Self and the answers that you hold within. By using different tools we will experience how our body is communicating to us. Thus we will feel our bodies more consciously, which will lead to more embodied awareness and aliveness. It's an evening of authenticity, where we encourage you to embrace your true self without shame, guilt, or insecurity. Uncovering the feeling of pureness of simply being your pure self. Whether you are looking for an evening of deep relaxation, a moment to yourself or like to go on a journey of discovering the feeling of pureness. Daniela & Elisia
Cacao & Klang
Cacao & Klang
Salzgrotte Haselünne
19-20:30 Uhr
Ein Abend nur für dich Zum Fühlen, Loslassen, Ankommen Lass dich von der Medizin des Herzens, einem wundervollen peruanischen Rohcacao, sanft umhüllen und erlaube dir wieder in Verbindung mit deiner Essenz zu treten. Begleitet von den sanften Klängen der Kristallklangschalen und der heilenden Kraft des Himalayasalzes in der Luft erlebst Du einen Moment tiefer Entspannung.
Internationaler Frauentag VHS
Internationaler Frauentag VHS
Cacao Zeremonie
10-14 Uhr
17,50 €
Bei der VHS in Meppen findet eine Veranstaltung zum Internationalen Frauentag ganz unter dem Motto "Selbstfürsorge und Empowerment" statt. Frauen aller Nationalitäten und Altersgruppen sind eingeladen, sich zu informieren und es sich für ein paar Stunden in verschiedenen Workshops gut gehen zu lassen und miteinander ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Cacao & Klang
Cacao & Klang
Salzgrotte Haselünne
19-20:30 Uhr
35 €
Ein Abend nur für dich Zum Fühlen, Loslassen, Ankommen Lass dich von der Medizin des Herzens, einem wundervollen peruanischen Rohcacao, sanft umhüllen und erlaube dir wieder in Verbindung mit deiner Essenz zu treten. Begleitet von den sanften Klängen der Kristallklangschalen und der heilenden Kraft des Himalayasalzes in der Luft erlebst Du einen Moment tiefer Entspannung.
Cacao & Klang
Cacao & Klang
Salzgrotte Haselünne
19-20:30 Uhr
35 €
Ein Abend nur für dich Zum Fühlen, Loslassen, Ankommen Lass dich von der Medizin des Herzens, einem wundervollen peruanischen Rohcacao, sanft umhüllen und erlaube dir wieder in Verbindung mit deiner Essenz zu treten. Begleitet von den sanften Klängen der Kristallklangschalen und der heilenden Kraft des Himalayasalzes in der Luft erlebst Du einen Moment tiefer Entspannung.
Yoga Festival Lingen
Yoga Festival Lingen
Cacao Zeremonie & Stand
10-18 Uhr
Wir freuen uns riesig, dass wir in wieder beim Yoga Festival dabei sein dürfen. Diesmal nicht nur mit unserem Heart Essence Stand sondern auch mit einer Cacao Zeremonie. Komm vobei uns besuche uns! Wir freuen uns auf dich!
  • Sophia

    Dear Julia,

    It was a wonderful and very healing evening. I am so excited about how you led us and especially about your skills.

    After your ceremony, I'm feeling better than I have in weeks.

    The combination of cacao and sound journey brought my cells back into healthy vibrations and radiance. I feel so comfortable and secure. Thank you from the bottom of my heart

  • Alena

    You two complement each other perfectly! You are one
    wonderful team!

    It is always an intense, profound experience during a cacao
    ceremony with you. I particularly like the combination of cacao and yin yoga- I was able to calm down, let go and relax.

    Thanks to both of you!

  • Sonya

    Dear Julia, ♡

    The evenings with you are so soothing.
    It touches my heart every time.

    Through the cacao ceremonies and meditations I feel that something is moving in my heart and I am moving step by step
    accompanied on my path.

    I thank you for this.

    Your sound journeys are also wonderful, and I can immerse myself in and out of them. It has a high recreational value.

    Thanks for that! ♡

  • Susanne

    For the second time I was lucky enough to take part in a cacao ceremony followed by a sound journey with Julia.

    I have never experienced such a powerful ritual as the one in which Mama Cacao is called!

    The safety and security that they have in
    every cell of the body brings and the warmth that spreads in the heart are so comforting and give me strength that I now feel up to any challenge!

    Thank you Julia, it was wonderful again!

  • Nathalie

    The cacao ceremony was soooo valuable! That evening I noticed what was opening up and also during the day
    thereafter. It works a lot inside me and it's unbelievable how cacao can do that. I would take part in a cocoa ceremony with you again at any time.

    You are great, your work is great!
    The world needs women like you

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Du planst Dein eigenes Event?

Would you like to organize a cacao ceremony in private, for friends, family, for a birthday, a mom blessing or a bachelor party?

Do you own a company and want to give your employees a break and strengthen the team through a special experience?

Are you the organizer of an event and looking for a special highlight?

Then get in touch with us! We would be happy to discuss your project with you and create an individual offer for you.

We would be happy if you got in touch with us!